Thursday, February 8, 2007

We're going to have a baby!

Surprise everyone, I'm going to be a mommy.
Remy and I are proud to announce the coming of our first baby. It's still really early in the process and anything can happen so keep your fingers crossed for us. It's just that so many of you are far away and and I'd like to keep you in the loop, encourage your support and keep in touch more often.
I missed my ...ahem...boys turn away if you want to... period this month for the first time ever. This happened surprisingly quickly, Rem and I haven't been "trying" for more than 3 months so I guess I inherited my mother's awesome fertility. Nothing really seemed amiss so I waited a few days and on Sunday Feb 4 I took the home pregnancy test. It's amazingly difficult to pee on a stick for exactly 5 seconds without making a big mess. Almost instantly the results window began to form a +. That's + for positive :)
I wanted Remy to be the first to know so I had to wait for my parents (who were visiting from Ontario for my birthday) to go to bed. He was watching TV, I went and sat on his lap and handed him the test stick. He looked at if for a second then it dawned on him what the little + meant. He gave me a big hug, trying to stutter "For real? For real?" Then got his composure and ordered that I eat lots of vitamins, broccoli every day and go to the gym everyday too. We went to bed and I was dangerously close to staying awake all night plotting how to tell the folks.
Monday we went out for dinner at the Old Spaghetti Factory with my parents and Jeanine and Adam. I waited till after dinner and then broke the news. I think they were in real shock because Rem and I really didn't tell many people that we were ready to get down to family business.
Tuesday was my 30th birthday so we went out to the Keg for dinner and both me and Jr enjoyed my favourite prime rib with horseradish dinner and Creme Brulee for dinner. Rem noticed that I was a bit hungry and commented that I should keep eating, I was eating for 2. I had to gross him out by pointing out that at this stage the fetus is not even as big as a crumb on my plate so she doesn't need to eat much :)
Wednesday I dropped my parents back off at the airport and went to my doctor for confirmation. Sure enough we're pregnant and the due date should be somewhere around October 10, 2007.
So this is officially week 5 and I will try to post every few days to update you on all the developments.


Marianne said...

Yaaaaaaay! Congratulations, Randi and Remy!! Good work ;)

Peter Bond said...

Wow! What great news!
Have you got him/her signed up for a baby hockey team yet? Just wondering.

Anonymous said...

about time you realized the power of chocolate!!

Anonymous said...

yay randi and remi!
congrats! i'm sooo soooo happy for you 2! can't wait to see the little one grow

Anonymous said...

Randi - - -
How wonderful to hear this fantastic news. Oh my gosh... you are going to become a MOMMY? I can't wait to see your baby - - - no doubt, he or she would be super cute.
My life has been good, i just came back from Puket (Thailand) this morning. I am so tunned - - -

I miss you.........