Friday, February 16, 2007

Icky Sicky

Well, I had my first real bout of morning "sickness" and wow, it couldn't have been more embarrassing. I was at one of my massage companies dropping stuff off for my helper and was chatting with one of the ladies that I haven't seen in a while. One of the head honchos waved at me and asked if I was here for the day just as the wave hit me. I had to just kind of politely wave as I beelined for the washroom and started heaving just as I got into one of the stalls. There were two ladies in the bathroom at the time and started asking me if I was ok, brought me water and suggested that I should go home and lay down. So with breakfast successfully out I had to re-face the lady I had been talking to and the CEO guy and break the news. They were happy for me of course but what a way to make an announcement!

Today I won over a new company to the world of corporate massage. I will be starting in April with a law firm downtown. I'm pretty excited but also a bit worried about my helper. He's not having as much success at the companies simply for the fact that he's male (even though he's an awesome therapist) and the new company also would like a female therapist. I guess if worse comes to worst they get no therapist at all in a few months but I was really hoping to have some people in place by then to cover ($) my mat leave. I should stop stressing out. All I can do is look for another therapist and keep searching for more openminded companies to keep Ralf busy. I'd really like him to succeed too.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

elias started kicking at week 17 so that i could feel it... everyone is different; it depends on how thick your stomach´s skin is. as for morning sickness, i am (thank goodness) no expert, but tobi´s aunt suggested canned fruit: goes down smoothly... tobi´s brother´s wife took some camomille pills, but said they didn´t work too well. once you make it to week 14ish, you should be fine. your doctor will likely feel your the size of your uterous in about a month or so. it grows about 1cm a week, so by week 30 it will be 30 cm big. will you want to know the sex if it is visible?! All the best and don´t forget to eat lotsa fish and listen to mozart (then you will be sure to have an intelligent baby!)