Thursday, November 15, 2007

Happy 2 month birthday!

It's been a busy couple of months and it's gone by so fast. Yesterday was Mattias' 2 month birthday and "Auntie" Cara was over for the day to visit. After walking Jax for about 2.5 hours we had lunch and all ended up having a nap :) Oh it was so nice to have someone play with Mattias for a while so I could have a really good nap.

On the weekend Auntie Jeanie came over for the day on Monday and we took Mattias to the rec centre for his first swim. He seemed to like it, especially the reflection of the light on the water. We were there about 20 min. fun fun!

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Mommy games

Mattias was all smiles for this little game until daddy pulled out the camera. Oh well, he's really cute anyway :)

Still alive

This mommy thing is pretty time consuming and I haven't even been keeping up with my regular email let alone blogging or facebooking. But here I am!
Auntie Mayumi threw a baby shower for Mattias last weekend. The best part was that several of my friends that I haven't seen in YEARS were able to make it. What a great way to catch up. Mattias enjoyed being passed around and cuddled by all the beautiful women :) Yeah, he pretty much slept through the whole thing. We played some games - identify the baby food and a Baby-um version of cranium that Mayumi and I made up. All in all we had a blast.

This has been my first couple of weeks alone with the munchkin now that my parents have left. So far we're doing well. Jax is a bit stir crazy by the time I get Mattias fed, dressed and packed in the stroller to go out. He'll get used to it soon. My friend whom I met in prenatal yoga happens to live close by and we have started going on walks together along with our mom and baby yoga class. I've been playing hockey for about 4 weeks and have started getting back to the gym at least once a week. Hopefully all that will help me take off those baby pounds.

It's been a while since my last post but there's really not alot of new stuff going on. Just plugging away trying to get things done.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Professional pics

First month of Mommyhood

We celebrated Mattias' one month anniversary on Saturday the 13th... can you believe it's already been a month?! Much of it feels kind of dazy... probably due to lack of sleep and lots of visitors. We had my friend Duncan from Scotland ... currently living in Luton, England,
Peter of North Van just freshly home from Manchester, England,"Auntie" Mayumi the Surrey girl
and now my mom is here from good ol' Shelburne Ontario.
We also went to Sidney on Vancouver Island for Thanksgiving dinner with the Saville clan last weekend. Busy busy busy.

Rem went back to work last week when my mom got here... hmmm... :) He seems to be settling into being in charge quite well and gets lots of cuddles from Mattias when he gets home.

As for me, I'm back to my old self ...+ about 30 lbs though :( . I started playing hockey again on sunday evening with a recreational team really close to my house. It took me a while to find my balance. I took 3 strides on the ice and fell flat on my face!!! Anyway, the first period was a warm up period and after that I felt fine. Just a bit short on the conditioning end of things. My brain wanted me to get somewhere and my legs just said "Ya right!!" In the end I got a goal and 3 assists, not bad for my first time out 1 month post baby. Matt slept through the whole thing.

Hope you like the pics!

Friday, September 21, 2007

Hi Grandmas

Here's Mattias in his video debut. Hi Grandmas!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Weighing in at 8 pounds, 7 ounces ... Mattias Alexander Saville

Me and my newborn. Looks like he's destined to be a fighter!

The first family portrait. Awwwww!

His first visitor ... Auntie Jeanie. I think he's got her wrapped around his little finger!!

Grandpa Saville gets a good look.

Can you say love at first sight? Hi grandma!

Extreme close-up.

Getting a chance to cuddle in the NICU

Dinner time

The brainwashing begins. Go Canada go!!

Getting ready to go home.

Home at last.

Checking out uncle Kert.

A little snooze with daddy.

Introducing the weapon of choice.

Lets get it on!! I dare ya!!

Monday, September 17, 2007

It's a BOY

Wed Sept 12...It started off like any other day. I got up, had breakfast, fed Jax and decided to take him down to Alouette river for a swim since the weather was so warm. I too felt like getting a splash in and swam around for a couple of hours. After a quick lunch I headed off to my massage appointment and finally my 36 week checkup with my midwife, Tamara. Oh, we discussed the usual things... including how to recognize labour contractions and I jokingly said that I wouldn't mind if I was early, I could get back to hockey sooner :) Tamara shook her finger and told me I would jinx myself.
Well, after a few minutes I started to get a funny, uncomfortable feeling and realized that I felt wet. So I said, "Tamara, I feel wet." And she said, "What do you mean wet?". So I stood up from her leather couch and my shorts were absolutely drenched through. Hmmmmm. She checked me out and sure enough my water had broken and my cervix was soft and starting to open. "Here we go", she said, "You'll probably go into labour on your own sometime in the next 18 hours. Call me when your contractions are 5 min apart and 1 min long."
I was shaking. For all the bravado and jokes I had made, I just wasn't prepared for an obedient, early child. I shook all the way to the jeep and called Rem as soon as I was behind the wheel. "Rem, my water broke!"...pause... It was about 5:40 and he had missed the 5:30 train home so he had to wait until 6:20. To be honest he was a bit frantic. I also called Jeanine on the way home and got her to come out to help out getting us ready for the hospital and take care of Jax.
When I got home I was still feeling fine. I called the moms and my sister to tell them the development and was starting to feel really minor cramps. Oh, and of course logged onto facebook to update my status. Rem came barrelling in at about 7 ready to take me to the hospital but I still felt fine. I was just finishing a small dinner and resting on the couch watching a movie. When Jeanine arrived I was starting to feel the cramps more regularly so I got her to time some for me and we were already at 7 min apart, 45 seconds by 8ish. The rest of the evening is kind of a blur things happened so fast. I packed to go to the hospital and Jeanine drove us there around 9:30 or so. When I was checking in, the admitting nurse told me not to worry, false labour was really common around 36 weeks... then I told her my water had already broken! Tamara met us there and hooked me up to the monitors for the baby's heart rate and contraction strength to see how things were progressing. Because I hadn't been tested for Strep B we decided I should take a dose of antibiotics just in case so she called the obstetrician on shift to check me over. He too came in thinking it was just false labour or really early on but when he checked me my cervix was already dilated 4-5 cm. So they hooked me up to an IV for the antibiotics and sat back to watch. The contractions were hitting stronger and stronger and getting quite close together by this time. I kept grabbing Remy's hand, shirt.. anything I could get my hands on to squeeze and I just had to move around. I went to the bathroom a couple of times and sitting on the toilet was actually one of the most comfortable positions for when a contraction hit. It's funny but I really didn't want to have an "accident" on the floor or bed and could relax through the contractions much better when sitting on the toilet where I wouldn't make a fool of myself. I had a couple waves of nausea and at one point I was on the toilet, throwing up and had squeezed the toilet bar so hard my IV popped out. Very soon they transferred me to a delivery room and I was able to stand in the shower, leaning over a chair while Remy sprayed hot water on my low back to ease the back labour. I don't really know how long I was there but the contractions were pretty intense and didn't seem to ever stop. That was about the point that I was whimpering but I didn't take any drugs at all.
Then I started feeling like I needed to push so I was helped over to the bed and kind of sit/squatted on the bed to start the pushing part. It's weird cause things kind of slowed down at that point. The contractions were hard and really made me want to yell but then there were rests about a minute long between them. Tamara and the nurse helped me to get the contractions under control and use the energy I was wasting with each yell to bear down and push. Slowly but surely the baby worked it's way down. I had a little lip on my cervix that we had to get out of the way and those controlled pushes were really challenging. It took a lot of focus. I changed to a kneeling kind of squat position for quite a while for which I'm sure Rem was thankful because there were metal bars to hang onto instead of his poor hands. I kept telling myself just 2 more pushes...just 2 more pushes. I could feel the stretching as his head was coming down and knew we were close. The helped me to turn back over to a sit/squat again for the last few pushes. When his head was almost out they told me again to push lightly- kind of like puffing- to ease his head through. One more push and out he came like a slimy gooey gunshot. He had his shoulders slightly transverse when he came through so unfortunately I ripped a bit and had to have about 5 stitches put in. The pediatrician whisked him away to check over the "premie" while I delivered the placenta. Rem turned pretty green at that part and I think he gagged just a little bit. We didn't even find out the sex right away, Rem went over to oversee the examination and finally I heard - ITS A BOY! He weighed in at a whopping 8 pounds, 7 ounces and was 21 inches long. Officially he was born at 1:42 am on Sept 13. He had a slight temperature so the doctors wanted to take him to the neonatal intensive care unit (the NICU) to run a course of antibiotics just incase of an infections. I got to hold him for a few minutes while they were stitching me up and then they took him downstairs. I was totally soaked in sweat, the sheets, my nightie, and pillow were all soaked through but I wasn't really tired. Rem and I were left to hang out for a few minutes while they arranged a room for me. We detoured to the NICU to see our little boy and try his first feed. He latched on with enthusiasm and fed really well. By the time we got upstairs it was nearly 4 am. I was getting kind of rhythmic back cramps through the night so I can't say I slept really well. At about 7 am I got called down again to feed the baby and got a good look at his puffy black eyes and swollen nose. Apparently I have (or had!) very strong ab muscles. The poor kid looked like he'd been in a hockey fight. He fed every 3 hours or so and everytime we went down there the difference was astonishing. His colour improved, his swelling decreased and he started to look a little less beat up. He kept pulling out his IV tubes though and the poor kid had little bandages all over him from all the pricks. Jeanine and Adam were his first official visitors. I got in trouble for letting Jeanine hold him though and then she got in trouble for peeking in the incubators where the other premies were. They were soooo tiny!!!! The second night he ate about every 3 hours but I slept much better and was starting to feel pretty good. I was walking a bit faster to get to the elevators and I think it is a very good thing that I didn't take any of the pain medications or I might have felt too good and started sprinting Rem to the elevators. On Friday morning Jo-Ann and Doug came over to meet their first grandson. We followed the rules this time and only took one person at a time. Rem took his dad and I took his mom down. She said she didn't think she could fall in love with another baby so fast... ha! It was love at first sight and I even managed to swing her getting to hold him. They left in the afternoon and another pair of our friends, Sonja and Alun dropped by to meet the little guy that evening. We had a great visit. Most of the hospital stay we were either on the phone with people or had visitors so the time went by pretty quickly. Our biggest worry was for Friday evening. I was healthy and ready to be discharged by Friday but little Mattias had to stay until Saturday morning at the latest to finish his antibiotics. He was breast feeding so well I really didn't want him going on formula or having to pump and feeding him by bottle for the night since it would set him back. Luckily there were lots of beds available and I was able to spend the extra night there to be with my baby. It really would have sucked having to drive there and back 3 times in the night!
Friday evening I went down to feed Mattias around 9 pm and he hadkicked his IV out yet again so they were waiting for the pediatrician to come and get him back on it. That was the hardest part of the whole hospital stay watching them try to find a vein that they had not already poked to insert the needle. They tried every limb and he was really distraught. My heart was in my hands. They were about to shave his head and put the IV in his scalp! I'm glad I was there though because I asked if there was not another option - there were only 5 hours and 3 doses left of the antibiotic and his bloodsugar was great with all the successful feeding. The doctor told me he could do the last doses intramuscularly but acted as if it were a last resort measure. I was thinking .. Uh, isn't that just like any other vaccination, wouldn't it be a lot nicer than poking him in the veins for 2 hours. So in the end that's what we did. Just one little poke in the thigh and the really nice nurse managed to get him discharged early from the NICU and come upstairs with us for the night. We spent a lot of the night snuggling and rem even climbed into the tiny hospital bed with the two of us for the night.
We came home Saturday at noon and had Grandma Saville here to help us get things cleaned and prepare some meals and organize some baby stuff. We kind of wanted to keep Mattias close to us for the night so he spent his first night in our laundry basket on the bedside table :)

It's Monday now and I'm trying to catch up with everyone's well wishing emails, phone calls and messages. We're doing awesome and I promise I'll get some pics up here really soon.

Friday, September 7, 2007

Sorry I've been neglectful

I know it's been ages since I posted last. My hands are swollen and numb right now so I haven't been too inclined to be on the computer for too long. Facebook seems to have swallowed up all that free time.
Jax and I are still enjoying the summer. The weather has been great during the week and then cold and rainy most weekends. We went out for a drive to meet up with friends at Harrison lake last weekend, bumpy logging roads are not the most comfortable thing to be driving right now but it was fun to see everybody.
I'm working on Junior's room this week. We got the tacky wallpaper off and have painted the room bright white. Now we need to get the baseboards down, and my stencil/border of red team canada maple leaves around the room. Then this weekend we'll be building the crib and organizing our stuff. I can't believe we're down to just 5 weeks!!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Rem's on the other side of the world!!

I dropped Rem off on Sunday for his 11 hour flight to Shanghai, China. Poor guy is going to be exhausted after working overtime for 2 weeks, an 11 hour flight, 5 days in Shanghai and then the 11 hour flight home!! He emailed me yesterday to let me know he got there alright and was in a nice hotel.
After all my running around this summer I'm just starting to settle in at home again. I miss Rem already but at least I have Jax for company and lots to do. We got the plumbing almost done in the basement and I want to get to work 0n the nursery this week too.

Today is Jax's 4th birthday!!!

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Home Sweet Home

Man it feels warm down here in the south. It has been a beautiful sunny 2 days back and I've been cruising around with the jeep top down like it is meant to be.
Remy picked me up at the airport in his new-used Jeep Grand Cherokee. It's a '95, four doors, black with grey interior with 140,000 KM. (The princess has almost 110,000 and its only 2003!) It has a couple of issues that he's working out with the dealership but all in all it's a nice looking truck. It's Princess' big brother :)

This morning we got woken up by Jax snarling and growling. Thinking there may be someone or something outside, Remy took him down to the yard to investigate. He was out the door like a shot and headed straight for our neighbour's shed barking and snarling. Rem looked and there was a HUGE raccoon with his back arched and hissing at Jax menacingly. I heard a big commotion and thought there was a cougar in the yard fighting with him. It was crazy. In the end, Jax chased him under the shed and Rem brought him back inside. None of us were too happy with the 5 am wakeup though.

I've bought my first baby item today - a diaper genie...thanks for the gift cards Ontario crew. This week I'm going to prepare the nursery and then Jeanie and I are going baby shopping next weekend. I'll post a baby registry in the next day or two.

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Heading home ... to stay for a while

It's my last day in Kitimat. It's been awesome staying with Jackie and Dustin; it's so nice to catch up with old friends. Angela is just as wacky as ever. As usual Jackie's friends have adopted me as their friend and have made my stay here comfortable and memorable.
I loved the queen charlotte islands. Every time you turned a bend in the road the scenery changed. The stormy windswept North tip of the island was my favourite landscape. We had a little adventure on thursday while we were up on North Beach. It's a long, sandy beach that ends at a remote spit, which is apparently accessible by vehicle when the tide is really low. We arrived at the beach at mid-tide and going out so it was perfect conditions for crabbing. Dustin and Angela froze half to death for nearly 4 hours trying to catch the (yummy) little suckers. They were victorious in the end, catching 2 for appetizers later on. Anyway, when the tide was almost at its lowest we decided to try to get to the spit just to see it. So we hopped in the little ford car and the rav4 and were flying along the beach happy as can be. It started to get a little rocky so we were forced to drive closer and closer to the water. Quite suddenly we started to slow down ... and stop ... and sink! The little ford car was buried up to the floorboards in sand and unwilling to go another step. The rav4 was also stuck, but luckily a little 4x4 action and a quick push got it moving again.
We tried digging under the car, building driftwood bridges and laying rocks under the tires of the car but it simply would not budge. On fellow in our group went running up the beach to find help and met a group with 3 quads... they just weren't big or mighty enough to pull us loose. From the other direction our hero arrived. A shiny new white toyota forerunner pulled up and to be honest I really had my doubts about the guy. But he opened up his truck, pulled out a brand new tow rope and had us out in a jiffy. Yay! The car wouldn't end up in Japan!
The next little problem was a rock had gotten lodged in the wheel somehow and the front left tire wouldn't turn. Simple, just take the tire off right? Well, the tire iron with the jack did not fit the nuts on the wheel so that was out of the question. They tried hitting the rock with the tire iron and a bunch of other unsuccessful schemes, but in the end what worked was one of the quadder's sketchy sounding plan >>> "Jack it up, put on the e-brake and give 'er some gas". With a pop the rock bounced out and we were on our way again...back to the safety of the packed sand. It was almost funny, for the next 3 days everytime we hit a bump with the car we could hear more sand fall out from under the car.
I'll have to say that the absolutely only unenjoyable thing about the trip was the ferry ride home. Just another reason to dislike BC Ferries. We left at 11pm from the QCIs and had to sleep on the floor of the ferry until we got the wake up call at 4:15 am! I was so stiff from laying on the floor that I could barely move and we ended up not docking until nearly 5:30 anyways.
Still, we got back to Kitimat safely and will be spending my last 2 days here at Lakelse Lake.
I'm pretty much ready to get home now and stay for a while. I want to get the house in order and the nursery ready soon. I'm definitely getting LARGER and we just have a bunch of stuff to do to be ready for Junior's arrival.
And I really miss Remy :(

Thursday, August 2, 2007

The Great White North

It's sunny, the mountains are all around me and I'm hanging out with my good buddy Jackie in Kitimat, BC. I had to get up REALLY early yesterday to catch my 7:30 am flight to Terrace. The weather couldn't have been more beautiful to fly over the white capped mountains, pristine lakes and thick forest groves. I kinda wish that I had a window seat but I didn't want to annoy a seatmate with all the necessary bathroom breaks I anticipated. Actually, it's only a 1 hour 45 minute flight so I think I'll do the window on the way home. Anyway.
Jackie's friend Lauren picked me up and we were in Kitimat in time for lunch with Jackie. I love Jackie and Dustin's new's huge! they have their photography studio in the front of the main floor of the house, a huge kitchen with an island that I love and 4 bedrooms upstairs. And the view of the surrounding mountains is awesome.
I took a little afternoon nap and then when Dustin came home we met some of their friends at Lakelse lake to jetski and roast hotdogs and make smores. Mmmmmm. Don't worry, I didn't give in to the temptation and jetski...I don't think the lifejackets would get over my belly! :)

This morning we got up and Jackie had to work playing music at a kids camp. We saw a little black bear on the side of the road on the way in. I sat reading by a beautiful creek while Jackie played her gig, then we went shopping in terrace for some QC essentials. We leave for the charlottes on Saturday morning. So far it's been great seeing Jackie again and i can't wait to see Angela on Friday and head to the island.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Pics from Jeanine's wedding

The grand entrance
First kiss.
Making it official.
The beautiful bridesmaids.
Rem entertaining his cousin during the pictures. (He's going to make a great dad!)
Nyla takes a shining to Rem.
Beautiful ladies.... I know...I'm getting huge!
Cutting the cake.

Going away again.

It seems I've got the travel itch this summer. After meerly one week at home, I'll be off again next week. Where? I'm going to see some old UBC friends in Kitimat, BC and together we'll be going to the Queen Charlotte Islands for a week. Kitimat is WAY up north, almost to Alaska. I was going to drive up with Jax but it turns out much cheaper and quicker (2 hour flight vs 18 hour drive) to fly. Jax will just have to stay here with Rem. So I don't know how much internet access I will have on this holiday but I will certainly post some pics when I get back.

No word of when Rem is heading to China yet.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

More summer travel

Hey gang. Well, do you want the good news first or the good news?

On Friday Remy found out that he was going to be promoted to a lead programming position at Relic. I'm so happy to see him recognized for all the hard work that he's put in over the years and I'm confident that he'll do awesome. The other neat thing about it is that he'll be going to China to meet with some people there as part of the project. We're not sure when he's going but originally we thought it would be as early as next week!! So me, being the busy body I am, started thinking about what I would do alone for 2 weeks. In a mini brainstorm I thought..."too bad I can't go visit Jackie and Dustin in Kitmat". Then, "Hey, why can't I?". So I called Jackie and it turns out that a bunch of others from the great white north who I was friends with at UBC are all meeting up for a week in early August and going to the Queen Charlotte Islands. Cool! So I'm currently trying to figure out whether or not I'll go if Rem hasn't left yet. I haven't seen Angela in about 4 years! And I won't be this free to go travelling for too much longer (about 11 weeks to be exact!!). Plus, flights are not all that expensive surprisingly. Originally I was going to drive with Jax, but it would be cheaper and faster and easier on my belly to fly. Kitimat is about 2 hours by plane or 18 hours by car.

Monday, July 23, 2007

A beautiful day

The rain held off just long enough on Saturday for both the wedding ceremony and the multitudes of fantastic pics to be taken in Beacon hill park. In fact, the colours looked spectacular with the slightly overcast sky. Nothing like the baking sun and parched grass we had for my wedding...sigh. It's hard to believe that was almost 6 years ago!!

Friday was the day of the rehearsal. I did some running around and had to pick up Remy at the harbourfront from his PLANE RIDE (!!) over. His work had asked him to come in Friday morning and offered to fly him to Victoria so he would be there on time. So Mr. Hot shot flew in on a seaplane Friday afternoon and we went to the rehearsal lunch together.
After lunch was the big golf tournament. It was a texas scramble, meaning we get to all pick up our balls and hit from where ever the best ball landed. I was in a fivesome with Rem, Kert, Ron (Adam's Dad) and Glenn (Adam's friend), and we actually used one of my drives and 2 of my putts in real life!! No really, I basically suck but the best part was that I out-drove Remy most of the time :)

Saturday we got up really early to have our hair done up at the salon. I wanted some attention to come up to my face (and away from the belly) for a while so I had a fancy updo. The salon took about an hour longer than we really had time for and we practically flew back to the Saville's place to get dressed. We literally had 15 minutes to dress before we had to leave to the wedding. Believe it or not, we were all out the door and on the way on time. The ceremony was held out in the garden of the English Inn. Remy and Kert (the ushers) were both MIA when I arrived. Apparently Remy got poor directions and got lost and Kert thought the wedding didn't start until 12 instead of 11 am... oh well, people managed to find a seat.

After the ceremony it was off to Beacon hill park for a picnic lunch and pictures. It felt more like March than July, everyone had big jackets and sweaters on. Luckily it was dry though. Then the reception was at Glen Meadows Golf and Country Club. Dinner was yummy and it was really nice to see everyone out there having fun. After a very hectic week though, I was headed for home and bed by 10 pm. I know, I know...I'm getting old :)

Sunday there was a big BBQ and gift opening for Jeanine and Adam. Again we visited with family, like Shirley and Dennis from Edmonton and headed back home last night. Man, my bed sure feels good. I think I'll spend a bit of time there today catching up :)

Thursday, July 19, 2007

Rain Rain go AWAY!!

Its only 36 hours until my sister-in-law "jeanine's" wedding here in Victoria, BC - home of newlyweds, flower beds and nearly deads. Unfortunately, it hasn't stopped raining for a week and there is no end in sight. They say rain on your wedding day is supposed to be lucky... but it's an outdoor wedding! Cross your fingers and dance to the sun gods for us!
I have been here staying at my in-laws since Monday to help with wedding preparations around the house. things are coming together but it seems there's a lot more stress involved than my wedding had been... I just wanted a bit party :) The family are all arriving. There will be around 25 people staying here until Sunday so there is LOTS going on, and lots of people for jax to play with. He sure loves the kids!
I'm still feeling great. I think the baby's turned around so her bum is sticking out just below my rib cage. My belly's a lot more "pokey" this week than it was last week. I'll put up some pics on Monday. Wowsers...only 12 more weeks to go!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Holy Hot Tamales!

It is really, REALLY, REALLY HOT this week. Today the temperature soared to 40 degrees out here in the burbs and not a speck of wind to be found. Jax and I went up to Buntzen Lake for most of the day to swim and try not to wither away from the heat. We were there almost 4 hours and he still was ready to chase the ball endlessly. I'm really glad that I don't have to be lugging my table anywhere this week.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

I'm back!!

I realize it's been quite a while since my last post but with having to wrestle my mom off her "Guild Wars" game to use the internet I decided it would be easier to wait until I got home. HOME! It is really amazing how quickly the 2 weeks went by, and I didn't even do everything I had planned to do. First off, here's some pics from the trip.
Introducing Dyson, my nephew held by my beautiful sister , Marci

Bubble fun! By the way Kalen, you have to blow not suck!
Kalen keeping busy while waiting for breakfast. Nice outfit buddy!Me with some long lost relatives at my surprise baby shower. My dad's eldest sister Peggy is on the far left, my cousin Nicole is next to her and my dad's youngest sister Janet is on the right.
Jax enjoys a swim with Marci and Kalen
I met up with my high school friend Andrea to do a bus tour around Toronto. This is us at Casa Loma. My dad and I later went to see the show she is in, "Evil Dead, the Musical" It was really funny. So much fake blood and cheesy jokes galore.

Me holding my little nephews.
I think he likes it :)
The whole family (except Rem) together for a pic.