Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ultrasound day

What a crazy hectic day! I had my ultrasound appointment this morning at a clinic close by...but let me go back a step here. Remy's been on crazy overtime hours for the last week and didn't get home till 2 am. I had reminded him about the appointment everyday for the last week so he would get the morning off work and come with me. Well, I took Jax for a walk this morning and left Rem to sleep in a bit. When I got back and woke him he was all upset that he had slept in and missed his train in. I reminded him about the appointment and got the "That is today!" response. So I worked on talking him into calling in to let them know he'd be late but he has some reps coming to meet with him today and was pretty frantic about it, but of course my hormones and sensitivities are on overdrive so I was extremely upset that he would choose to miss this. Reluctantly he gave in and came to the waiting room where I found out that they were running at least 30 minutes behind. Rather than sit with him and watch him sulk I sent him on his way with the jeep.
So, the thing with ultrasounds is that you're supposed to drink lots in the morning and then avoid peeing so that you have a nice full bladder. So that's a bit uncomfortable but then when they're going to be at least 30 minutes longer it becomes excruciating. The secretary told me that I was allowed to pee halfway, only fill this little cup! Have you ever REALLY needed to pee and then stop it half way? You get it all over your hand and feel like the dribble will never stop.... too much information.
Finally I got in to the ultrasound room 45 minutes later and got to see the miracle. Junior was moving around lots so she had to chase her a bit, but I got to see the head, hands, feet, belly, spine, face and heart all wiggling and somersaulting around like crazy. Hey, an active kid - go figure! It looks like I might even be a week farther along than originally thought - 21 weeks instead of 19.5. Get it over with sooner - Jeanie and JoAnn wanted me to hurry it up :)

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

May 24 weekend

As is to be expected we spent the first long weekend of the summer out camping. It was a rough start since Remy worked all through the night on Friday night and didn't get home until after 11 am on Saturday. We went just South of Kamloops with a couple of friends - Mayumi and Remco, and Jax of course. First of all... haha everyone who stayed in Vancouver for the rain! It was sunny and beautiful, if a little chilly at night. We camped next to a boggy lake (Remco promised us fish for dinner Sunday night!) in a nice quiet and secluded forest.
Mayumi hadn't been camping too much, at least not recently and we're hearing 2 sides to this story... but... Saturday Remco ended up buying a 120 square foot 2 bedroom tent and an air mattress with a folding base. Whether it was princess Mayumi's idea or his own, we had our little 2 man dome tent up and the beds set up and were building a fire by the time they had the frame for the "villa" figured out. It was massive! They also brought mats for the floor so it looked almost like a hotel room. Rem and I had the last laugh after all though since they just couldn't keep the heat in that thing, i was peeling layers off and they were snuggled in toques and mitts :)
The boys tried to catch us some fish Sunday afternoon. Jax got all worried when Remy started paddling away from the shore and started to swim out after him. I thought he'd give up after a minute but I had to call him back when he got half way across the lake. He's a really good camping dog. He always keeps watch over us and accompanies anyone who leaves the main camp for a pee or to get more wood. Maybe he scared the fish though because after hours on the lake the boys came back empty handed and we had to have hot dogs for dinner.
We got back yesterday afternoon and Rem went to work for a bit that afternoon. I cleaned the camping stuff.
Tomorrow I'm going for an ultrasound appointment so I'll post the pic as soon as I can.

Saturday, May 19, 2007

Friends in town

I had a great surprise last night when my good friend Jackie (my maid of honour almost 6 years ago!) from Kitimat called to invite me to a movie. She and Dustin had just gotten off a cruise ship and are now in town for the weekend. I'm so glad we got a chance to visit. Kitimat is SOOOO far away. We saw Spiderman 3, which was entertaining but not really awesome. Oh Jackie...move back here soon.

Baby brain strikes!

Ok, no one told me that I would lose my mind when I was pregnant!! Monday I couldn't find my car keys and was growing frantic trying to find them to get to work. Well they were just in the coat pocket that I had worn the night before but who would think of that!! And the topper... Thursday I was heading in to work downtown when I realized that I had forgotten my massage table! That's a pretty important piece of equipment in my line of work. I had to turn around and go back to get it and was an hour late :(

Monday, May 14, 2007

Whistler and Mothers Day

Friday night Jax and I went up to Whistler to visit my old hockey team the "Bear Mountain Grizzlies". I just hung out and played a little guitar hero with the gals. I stayed over so I could go cheer them on in their game on Saturday morning - gosh is it ever hard to watch! They are so good and the hockey is so fast! Honestly I could only watch the one game, it was torture not to be able to strap on the blades myself. Jax loved Whistler. Lots of new smells and there was even some snow still on the ground by the condo. Having a teamfull of attention probably helped too!
I was home for my first "mothers day". Apparently it counts because technically I am taking care of a little one :) Rem made me breakfast and bought me a bouquet of flowers. Then we spent 2 hours at home depot to buy a shed and worked all afternoon on laying a foundation for it.
To the other mommys out there... Happy Mothers Day!!!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


I've had to let go of hockey. "Its spring" you say, "who's thinking about hockey?" Well, me for one. This coming weekend I would normally be playing in a tournament with the Bear Mountain Grizzlies in Whistler and it is my favourite tourney of all time, and I get to play with my good friend Fifi and numerous other great gals who I will miss terribly come Friday afternoon.
To make matters worse the Canucks just couldn't cut it so I'm severed from the hockey world for good now and have had to find a new exercise for my preggers body. So Monday I tried out aquasize. Yes the majority of aquasizers more than doubled my age but working out in the water felt really good on my back and my knees thanked me for days. It's not hockey but at least i got my heart rate up and it's a bit more engaging for an hour than swimming laps. I think I'll stick to it and see where it takes me.
I just put a new profile shot up and wow, I look big! I just had dinner with my good friend Rhondi and overindulged a So I can barely breathe I'm so stuffed and that may add to the tummy parameters just a bit but at 18 weeks I think you can almost tell I'm pregnant!

Monday, May 7, 2007

AquaSize Begins

Well, with no hockey I guess I need new ways to push myself a bit in the exercise arena. I just tried a deep water aquasize class and it should be fun. You push as hard or go as easy as you like and getting in the water feels really nice on the back. It's certainly not hockey or even ultimate but at least I'm moving.
only 10 more clinic days!!!
only 44 more days till my Ontario visit!!

Wednesday, May 2, 2007

4 more weeks at clinic

I've actually had to start saying goodbye to some longtime clients at my massage clinic. It dawned on me that I am only going to be going back there for a total of 11 more days over the next 4 weeks! Wow! That will bring me to 21 weeks pregnancy and I have chosen to wrangle only with my corporate massage business and see if I can keep the companies happy and try really hard to find some help. So far no luck at all on that count.
Today I booked a flight to Ontario for a little visit soon after Marci is scheduled to have her 2nd, my new niece or nephew. Jax is going to come with me so I sure hope he likes to fly! I think he'll have a many new smells and little critters to chase. I just hope he doesn't find a porcupine, we don't have those in BC so he's never had a chance to learn that valuable lesson yet. Anyway, we'll be in Shelburne from June 20 - July 5.