Monday, July 23, 2007

A beautiful day

The rain held off just long enough on Saturday for both the wedding ceremony and the multitudes of fantastic pics to be taken in Beacon hill park. In fact, the colours looked spectacular with the slightly overcast sky. Nothing like the baking sun and parched grass we had for my wedding...sigh. It's hard to believe that was almost 6 years ago!!

Friday was the day of the rehearsal. I did some running around and had to pick up Remy at the harbourfront from his PLANE RIDE (!!) over. His work had asked him to come in Friday morning and offered to fly him to Victoria so he would be there on time. So Mr. Hot shot flew in on a seaplane Friday afternoon and we went to the rehearsal lunch together.
After lunch was the big golf tournament. It was a texas scramble, meaning we get to all pick up our balls and hit from where ever the best ball landed. I was in a fivesome with Rem, Kert, Ron (Adam's Dad) and Glenn (Adam's friend), and we actually used one of my drives and 2 of my putts in real life!! No really, I basically suck but the best part was that I out-drove Remy most of the time :)

Saturday we got up really early to have our hair done up at the salon. I wanted some attention to come up to my face (and away from the belly) for a while so I had a fancy updo. The salon took about an hour longer than we really had time for and we practically flew back to the Saville's place to get dressed. We literally had 15 minutes to dress before we had to leave to the wedding. Believe it or not, we were all out the door and on the way on time. The ceremony was held out in the garden of the English Inn. Remy and Kert (the ushers) were both MIA when I arrived. Apparently Remy got poor directions and got lost and Kert thought the wedding didn't start until 12 instead of 11 am... oh well, people managed to find a seat.

After the ceremony it was off to Beacon hill park for a picnic lunch and pictures. It felt more like March than July, everyone had big jackets and sweaters on. Luckily it was dry though. Then the reception was at Glen Meadows Golf and Country Club. Dinner was yummy and it was really nice to see everyone out there having fun. After a very hectic week though, I was headed for home and bed by 10 pm. I know, I know...I'm getting old :)

Sunday there was a big BBQ and gift opening for Jeanine and Adam. Again we visited with family, like Shirley and Dennis from Edmonton and headed back home last night. Man, my bed sure feels good. I think I'll spend a bit of time there today catching up :)

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