Thursday, July 19, 2007

Rain Rain go AWAY!!

Its only 36 hours until my sister-in-law "jeanine's" wedding here in Victoria, BC - home of newlyweds, flower beds and nearly deads. Unfortunately, it hasn't stopped raining for a week and there is no end in sight. They say rain on your wedding day is supposed to be lucky... but it's an outdoor wedding! Cross your fingers and dance to the sun gods for us!
I have been here staying at my in-laws since Monday to help with wedding preparations around the house. things are coming together but it seems there's a lot more stress involved than my wedding had been... I just wanted a bit party :) The family are all arriving. There will be around 25 people staying here until Sunday so there is LOTS going on, and lots of people for jax to play with. He sure loves the kids!
I'm still feeling great. I think the baby's turned around so her bum is sticking out just below my rib cage. My belly's a lot more "pokey" this week than it was last week. I'll put up some pics on Monday. Wowsers...only 12 more weeks to go!

1 comment:

Marianne said...

Hi Sweetie!
Hope the wedding was sunny and fun(ny). Yay pics, can't wait! Did Jax get a bow-tie?!
That baby on your meter is going to get a speeding ticket! 79 days left!!!
I'm writing finals... blah. Freedom is just around the corner...
Show off your pokey belly, girl!