Friday, September 7, 2007

Sorry I've been neglectful

I know it's been ages since I posted last. My hands are swollen and numb right now so I haven't been too inclined to be on the computer for too long. Facebook seems to have swallowed up all that free time.
Jax and I are still enjoying the summer. The weather has been great during the week and then cold and rainy most weekends. We went out for a drive to meet up with friends at Harrison lake last weekend, bumpy logging roads are not the most comfortable thing to be driving right now but it was fun to see everybody.
I'm working on Junior's room this week. We got the tacky wallpaper off and have painted the room bright white. Now we need to get the baseboards down, and my stencil/border of red team canada maple leaves around the room. Then this weekend we'll be building the crib and organizing our stuff. I can't believe we're down to just 5 weeks!!!

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