Saturday, March 24, 2007

First Midwife visit

I met with Lindsay and Tamara on Thursday this week to look into midwifery as an option for my prenatal care. Lindsay is currently a midwife while Tamara is finishing up her residency and will be practicing in June. They are nice ladies and I felt really comfortable sitting there chatting with my feet up, by the fireplace, for about an hour. Way better than some stuffy doctors office and waiting room that they just can't wait to get you through and see the next patient. We didn't do anything really significant but my heartbeat and blood pressure are fine and I don't have any symptoms that they are worried about. We are saving the physical to the next appointment since there will be more to feel. Sorry, no ultrasounds yet.
Tomorrow I play what will hopefully be the last playoff game of the season. If we win or tie we will be the league champions! If we lose we have to play again on Monday. I hope we beat these whining turkeys.
My due date has changed a little, either way we'll either have a Thanksgiving turkey or a Halloween goblin! Mark your calendars for Oct 12.

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