Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Lookout Reunion

Wednesday last week was my last day at my clinic so fittingly some friends and I decided to celebrate over ice cream. What was really neat about it is that my good friend Peter was back for the week from teaching in England and was able to meet up with us too. So Rhondi, Steph, Mayumi, Peter and I enjoyed some ice cream and decided that dinner was in order too. Rhondi couldn't make it but the 4 of us headed over to the Mongolie grill to continue our reminiscence of
Above: Peter and Mayumi at dinner. Below: Me and Steph pose the good old days when we all worked together at the Vancouver Lookout. Well, one thing lead to another and before we knew it we were headed to the Harbour Centre to visit our old hideout. We managed to get in for free (whew!) and I never would have believed the welcome we received from the new staff. It was like we were long lost heroes returned from the dead!! They kept asking us what we had said about such and such on our tours and Steph even remembered the number for the revolving restaurant!! A lot has changed. The cappuccino bar has been revamped into a gift shop. The movie theatre where we always caught people making out in the dark was bulldozed. Even the carpets are different! Whoa, I can't believe I had so much fun going back after 5 years.

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