Saturday, June 2, 2007

Last Day at Clinic!!

Wednesday was my last ever day at West 4th Chiropractic Clinic. It was definitely bittersweet... its really hard to say goodbye to all my awesome clients there and to Sue and Derek the best Chiros ever. But I am SSSSOOOOO happy to reduce my hours and not have to commute an hour each way right now. And just 2 more weeks of corporate work until I head to Ontario and visit the ontario crew for a couple of weeks. Yay!! Summer off! Well, there's lots of work to do with renos downstairs, preparing the nursery and Jeanine's wedding coming up quickly.
To my fantastic clients at W4th... thanks so much for making my experience there for the past 3 years such a positive one. You're the best massagees in the world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks like I'm coming to Van this summer to stay. Haven't nailed the dates exactly... I'm a little nervous!

We will definitely have to visit before I get locked into another job and you get busy with a little one! :)