Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Ultrasound day

What a crazy hectic day! I had my ultrasound appointment this morning at a clinic close by...but let me go back a step here. Remy's been on crazy overtime hours for the last week and didn't get home till 2 am. I had reminded him about the appointment everyday for the last week so he would get the morning off work and come with me. Well, I took Jax for a walk this morning and left Rem to sleep in a bit. When I got back and woke him he was all upset that he had slept in and missed his train in. I reminded him about the appointment and got the "That is today!" response. So I worked on talking him into calling in to let them know he'd be late but he has some reps coming to meet with him today and was pretty frantic about it, but of course my hormones and sensitivities are on overdrive so I was extremely upset that he would choose to miss this. Reluctantly he gave in and came to the waiting room where I found out that they were running at least 30 minutes behind. Rather than sit with him and watch him sulk I sent him on his way with the jeep.
So, the thing with ultrasounds is that you're supposed to drink lots in the morning and then avoid peeing so that you have a nice full bladder. So that's a bit uncomfortable but then when they're going to be at least 30 minutes longer it becomes excruciating. The secretary told me that I was allowed to pee halfway, only fill this little cup! Have you ever REALLY needed to pee and then stop it half way? You get it all over your hand and feel like the dribble will never stop.... too much information.
Finally I got in to the ultrasound room 45 minutes later and got to see the miracle. Junior was moving around lots so she had to chase her a bit, but I got to see the head, hands, feet, belly, spine, face and heart all wiggling and somersaulting around like crazy. Hey, an active kid - go figure! It looks like I might even be a week farther along than originally thought - 21 weeks instead of 19.5. Get it over with sooner - Jeanie and JoAnn wanted me to hurry it up :)

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