Saturday, May 19, 2007

Baby brain strikes!

Ok, no one told me that I would lose my mind when I was pregnant!! Monday I couldn't find my car keys and was growing frantic trying to find them to get to work. Well they were just in the coat pocket that I had worn the night before but who would think of that!! And the topper... Thursday I was heading in to work downtown when I realized that I had forgotten my massage table! That's a pretty important piece of equipment in my line of work. I had to turn around and go back to get it and was an hour late :(


Anonymous said...

You think thats bad!! Wait until you are pregnant with your second!! Its cumulative!


Marianne said...

Hehehe... sorry, that's not funny. But... it's pretty funny! Hehehehehe
Hey, at least you have an excuse! What's mine?!?