Thursday, July 26, 2007

More summer travel

Hey gang. Well, do you want the good news first or the good news?

On Friday Remy found out that he was going to be promoted to a lead programming position at Relic. I'm so happy to see him recognized for all the hard work that he's put in over the years and I'm confident that he'll do awesome. The other neat thing about it is that he'll be going to China to meet with some people there as part of the project. We're not sure when he's going but originally we thought it would be as early as next week!! So me, being the busy body I am, started thinking about what I would do alone for 2 weeks. In a mini brainstorm I thought..."too bad I can't go visit Jackie and Dustin in Kitmat". Then, "Hey, why can't I?". So I called Jackie and it turns out that a bunch of others from the great white north who I was friends with at UBC are all meeting up for a week in early August and going to the Queen Charlotte Islands. Cool! So I'm currently trying to figure out whether or not I'll go if Rem hasn't left yet. I haven't seen Angela in about 4 years! And I won't be this free to go travelling for too much longer (about 11 weeks to be exact!!). Plus, flights are not all that expensive surprisingly. Originally I was going to drive with Jax, but it would be cheaper and faster and easier on my belly to fly. Kitimat is about 2 hours by plane or 18 hours by car.

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